Kai's gallery
Ren's ART archive

last updated - 11.13.24

heya! ren here, formally known as kai.
this page has been moved to a new site so i'd appreciate if you checked out the stuff there :] don't worry, all the art still exists, it just kind of moved around a bit lol

for future purposes, this gallery will now be used as an old art archive from now on and the other old art archive will be transferred here.





DISCLAIMER: all artwork featured here is made by kai unless specified. there is ZERO TOLERANCE of ANY use of art on this page without direct consent from the creator(s). thank you!this gallery is also updated occasionally so stop by every once in a while to see what changed :D

[email protected] for business inquires.
may take a day or two for me to get back to you!
justkai#3413 for Discord [INACTIVE FOR THE TIME BEING]